Privacy Policy

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Burns Industrial Supply respects each individual’s right to personal privacy.  We will collect and use information through our Web site only in the ways disclosed in this statement.  This statement applies solely to information collected by and

Part I.  Information Collection

We collect information about you and your company through our Web site

We collect this information through secure registration and order processing forms.

We do employ cookies. A cookie is a small text file that our Web server places on a user’s computer hard drive to be a unique identifier. Cookies are necessary in order to provide you with information and process your orders.   Our cookies do not have an expiration date. 

Part II.  Information Usage.

The information collected by Burns Industrial will be used for the purpose of processing orders.

Registered users may receive additional announcements from us about products, services, special deals, and a newsletter.

The information we collect will be used to create customer profiles based on browsing or purchasing history. 

We will share data with the following third parties: shipping companies, credit card companies.  These third parties will restrict their use of this information for the purpose of processing the shipment or transaction. 

We offer links to other Web sites.  Please note: When you click on links to other Web sites, we encourage you to read their privacy policies.  Their standards may differ from ours.

If our policy on information collection or uses changes, we will advise you of this through an updated link on our website.

Part III.  Access to Information

Users may access their own personal information and contact us about inaccuracies they may find. 

Part IV. Problem Resolution

If problems arise, users may contact Burns Industrial by writing to :

        Burns Industrial Supply
        W8622 Willis Ray Road
        Whitewater, WI  53190

We are committed to resolving disputes in a timely fashion.

Part V. Data Storage and Security

Burns Industrial protects user information with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption.