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24SG Steel Pipe Reducers

Burns Item No.


  • NPTF female to NPTF male
Grouped product items
Qty Part Number Qty In Stock Sold in Multiples Cross Reference Part Numbers T1 T2 Price
24SG-02X01 4 1 N/A 1/8-27 1/16-27
24SG-02X02 0 1 N/A 1/8-27 1/8-27
24SG-04X04 12 1 N/A 1/4-18 1/4-18
24SG-04X06 15 1 N/A 1/4-18 3/8-18
24SG-06X02 14 1 N/A 3/8-18 1/8-27
24SG-06X04 0 1 Weatherhead:BRC3209X6X4 3/8-18 1/4-18
24SG-06X06 1 1 N/A 3/8-18 3/8-18
24SG-06X08 0 1 N/A 3/8-18 1/2-14
24SG-06X12 0 1 N/A 3/8-18 3/4-14
24SG-08X04 35 1 Weatherhead:BRC3209X8X4 1/2-14 1/4-18
24SG-08X06 74 1 Weatherhead:BRC3209X8X6 1/2-14 3/8-18
24SG-08X08 3 1 N/A 1/2-14 1/2-14
24SG-08X12 0 1 N/A 1/2-14 3/4-14
24SG-12X06 7 1 N/A 3/4-14 3/8-18
24SG-12X08 0 1 Weatherhead:BRC3209X12X8 3/4-14 1/2-14
24SG-12X12 0 1 N/A 3/4-14 3/4-14
24SG-12X16 0 1 N/A 3/4-14 1-11 1/2
24SG-16X08 0 1 Weatherhead:BRC3209X16X8 1-11 1/2 1/2-14
24SG-16X12 10 1 Weatherhead:BRC3209X16X12 1-11 1/2 3/4-14
24SG-16X16 8 1 N/A 1-11 1/2 1-11 1/2
24SG-20X12 0 1 N/A 1 1/4-11 1/2 3/4-14
24SG-20X16 13 1 Weatherhead:BRC3209X20X16 1 1/4-11 1/2 1-11 1/2
24SG-24X16 0 1 N/A 1 1/2-11 1/2 1-11 1/2
24SG-24X20 0 1 N/A 1 1/2-11 1/2 1 1/4-11 1/2
24SG-32X20 0 1 N/A 2-11 1/2 1 1/4-11 1/2
24SG-32X24 0 1 Weatherhead:BRC3209X32X24 2-11 1/2 1 1/2-11 1/2
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